Unleash your energy with liquefied natural gas


Unleash your energy with liquefied natural gas
Save 40-60%
Reduce 25% of air pollutants.

Get LNG wherever you need it

Are you reluctant to rely on dirty diesel, heating oil or propane, but you’re too far from a pipeline to switch to natural gas? Seamlessly delivered by our Virtual Pipeline™, our high burn rate Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) offers you the security of supply without storage concerns or price jumps.

Ask our experts

They are ready to provide you with additional information, guidance, or price quotes for your energy transition.

How Edge Energy can help you

Our turnkey solutions combine high-quality, continuous LNG supply, LNG storage, regasification and pressure regulation, depending on your needs.
LNG Supply & Storage

Our Virtual Pipeline delivers LNG to your premises in 10,000-gallon double-walled iso-tank containers that ensure scalable storage systems to cover all your fueling needs.

Mobile Regasification Terminals

Our mobile regasification stations convert the LNG back to natural gas for your consumption at rates of 20 thousand cubic feet per hour (MCF/h) and 100 MCF/h. 

Fueling Solutions

Fuel all your NGVs. Supplied by our Virtual Pipeline, our Smart Fueling Station delivers a fill rate of 3.2 GGE of CNG per minute. Its versatile configuration can also dispense high-flow and fast-fill CNG, as well as LNG.

Online Monitoring & Service

24/7 online support and telemetry ensure you a seamless supply of LNG along with operation and maintenance of the fueling and regasification equipment. 

LNG Supply & Storage

Our Virtual Pipeline delivers LNG to your premises in 10,000-gallon double-walled iso-tank containers that ensure scalable storage systems to cover all your fueling needs.

Mobile Regasification Terminals

Our mobile regasification stations convert the LNG back to natural gas for your consumption at rates of 20 thousand cubic feet per hour (MCF/h) and 100 MCF/h. 

Fueling Solutions

Fuel all your NGVs. Supplied by our Virtual Pipeline, our Smart Fueling Station delivers a fill rate of 3.2 GGE of CNG per minute. Its versatile configuration can also dispense high-flow and fast-fill CNG, as well as LNG.

Online Monitoring & Service

24/7 online support and telemetry ensure you a seamless supply of LNG along with operation and maintenance of the fueling and regasification equipment.

A whole value-chain of services for your business

An energy solution you can feel good about

Freedom from using a pipeline means your business is free to fuel up more readily, less expensively, and with a cleaner source of energy than propane or diesel. And no one does it better than Edge Energy.

Fewer emissions of air pollutants
Burning LNG emits 25% less Carbon Dioxide, almost zero Nitrogen Oxide, Sulfur Oxide and Fine Particles than burning petroleum products to produce an equal amount of energy.
Up to 40-60% less costly

Our LNG is cheaper than diesel and propane. Three to four trucks of CNG would be necessary to match the same transportation capacity. The savings mean more to invest in your business.

America’s gas for you: 500 TcF of proven reserves

Wherever you are, Edge Energy connects you with America’s natural gas reserves. Natural gas is the cleanest of all fossil fuels and the less costly kickstarter of your energy transition. Trillions of cubic feet (Tcf) are left in the ground due to a lack of pipeline access. Our Virtual Pipeline changes that: a world-first solution for converting stranded gas to LNG and taking it to you. No pipeline, no problem.

Why EDGE Energy does it more efficiently?

With LNG, we’ve mastered storage and delivery of natural gas that costs less than CNG.
Get 10x more natural gas

LNG delivers more heating power with less volume than CNG. How much less? LNG reduces the volume of gas by approximately 600 times while CNG reduces it only 60 times. The difference matters.

LNG reduces the volume of gas by approximately 600 times.
Streamline your natural gas delivery

LNG delivery means fewer trucks on the road and lower emissions from your value-chain. A single iso-tank of our Virtual Pipeline transports approximately 10,000 gallons of LNG. Three to four trucks of CNG would be necessary to match the same transportation capacity.

Ask our experts 

Our Experts are ready to provide you with additional information, guidance, or price quotes for your energy transition.